It’s easy to notice things when they’ve gone kaflooey, when they’re, somehow, off. Like public transportation, for example, when it’s so crowded you can barely move and it’s hard to breathe. Or when there is a disabled car on the line up ahead and you are stopped, indefinitely, in a tunnel underground somewhere in the… [Continue Reading]
My very first massage (and why I became a massage therapist)
I fell in love with massage therapy the very first time I had a massage. I was 25 then, and pretty much in constant war with myself, and, unsurprisingly, my body was the battle field. Even more than easing the pains in my neck and the aches in my back (which it did), my first… [Continue Reading]
Letting go, it’s much easier than you think!
On the occasion of it being the beautiful-est of all days, Today, and this being the grandest of all hours, Now, we are gathered in this holiest and magical-est of all places, Here, to witness the most marvelous of all people, You, receiving the magnificent-est of all honorary degrees, an Le.G. (in Letting Go!), summa cum laude, no less!, from this here oldest and most revered institution of highest learning, Life!
[Crowd goes crazy cheering, blowing trumpets, throwing hats.]
Here to present you with your degree, I am delighted to introduce you to your most faithful companion, in good times and in bad, in wealth and in not-so-wealth, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, your Body.
You and your body, getting friendly
Your body. It tells you things. All the time it tells you things! Basic, uncomplicated things. No assembly required, things. No thinking required, things. Gather ’round, my friends, let’s have a listen to our animal-bodies! Bodies say: drink. They say: pee. They say: eat. Move. Rest. Sleep… Like I said, basic. Whew! What a relief…. [Continue Reading]
3 a.m. cribsheet (for when you can’t sleep because everything is too much)
Things may be hard. So hard they may be waking you up at 3 in the morning. You try to keep sleeping but no: now the soundtrack is going… you know, the soundtrack of all the things you suspect are related to how your shoulders feel so tight, not to mention that knot in your… [Continue Reading]
That pain in your neck (feat. Hercules and Atlas!)
I’m going to tell you a little story. It may be a story you know, but I bet you’ve never thought of it in quite this way before. It’s a story that sometimes comes to mind when I am massaging my clients’ necks and heads, loosening up all the tension that tends to accumulate there…. [Continue Reading]
On becoming a massage therapist. My story!
In 2005 I gave this speech at my graduation from massage school. All these years later, I am still happy with my decision to become someone who helps people by doing ‘this special kind of rubbing thing with my hands… kind of like magic.’ Juliette, who first said it like that, is a teenager and… [Continue Reading]
Entertaining today’s guests: Disappointed and Despondent
These two guys appeared on my doorstep this morning. They won’t tell me their names so for the moment I am calling them by what’s printed on their T-shirts: “Is this all there is?” and “What’s the point?” Ever since they arrived, I’ve had a queasy knot in my belly and my chest is all… [Continue Reading]