Are things feeling like “too much” and is overwhelm keeping you from resting and relaxing? Do you find yourself reacting to stressful situations in ways that you later regret? Is it challenging to care for yourself when your pre-COVID spaces, places and people aren’t available for in-person visits?
Metaphors aside, The Pause is a body-oriented meditation class I am offering every weekday. (Drop-in, Covid-safe, 45 minutes.)
A sense of grounding and calm –even (and especially) in these challenging times we are living– are a few of the things that dropping in at The Pause can help you experience. Clarity and right action can arise naturally where reaction used to take place automatically.
Want to drop in and try it out? Your first shot of ease or cup of calm is on the house. Seriously, it’d be my pleasure to gift you your first class. (Use coupon code cupofcalm when “purchasing” 1 class.)
No long term commitment is required. No meditation or Focusing experience is required. Come once and give it a try! If you like it, come back every time, a couple times a week, or just when you can.
I miss you, and hope to see you soon at The Pause. (Learn more & see class times).
Please and thank you for posting this invitation on social media and/or forwarding it to your friends! I really appreciate it.
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