When things feel hard and your sense of security is shaky, it can be helpful to notice supportive, easy, pleasant things you get to take for granted. It’s a practice I’ve found comforting and steadying when things feel wobbly, scary or overwhelming… Also, it’s easy! (Requires no appointment or special equipment.)
One little thing that can make the difference between being tense and relaxing
Whether you’re in your chair at work or chopping veggies at the kitchen counter, sitting in your car or on the bus, or lying in bed just before falling asleep, here’s a question that can make a difference between remaining tense or relaxing: Are you allowing the ground hold you, or are you holding back?… [Continue Reading]
Muscle tension (it’s not all bad!)
Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings. Rumi Muscle tension gets a bad rap. But it’s not a bad thing…. [Continue Reading]
Relax (pretty much ANYWHERE)
“How would you like to feel when you leave here today?” Over the years I’ve heard my question answered in many ways but there is one intention that is, by far, the one that clients say the most: Relaxed What a worthy intention! When we are relaxed, hard things somehow become softer, easier. Tight places… [Continue Reading]