Whether you’re in your chair at work or chopping veggies at the kitchen counter, sitting in your car or on the bus, or lying in bed just before falling asleep, here’s a question that can make a difference between remaining tense or relaxing: Are you allowing the ground hold you, or are you holding back?… [Continue Reading]
letting go
Letting go, it’s much easier than you think!
On the occasion of it being the beautiful-est of all days, Today, and this being the grandest of all hours, Now, we are gathered in this holiest and magical-est of all places, Here, to witness the most marvelous of all people, You, receiving the magnificent-est of all honorary degrees, an Le.G. (in Letting Go!), summa cum laude, no less!, from this here oldest and most revered institution of highest learning, Life!
[Crowd goes crazy cheering, blowing trumpets, throwing hats.]
Here to present you with your degree, I am delighted to introduce you to your most faithful companion, in good times and in bad, in wealth and in not-so-wealth, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, your Body.