Think of what it feels like to wear tight shoes. Not so good. No matter how cute or dapper they are, secretly you can’t wait to get them off. And when you do, you’ll probably rub your feet to bring them relief, to get some circulation back… Ahhhh… When we are stressed out, our muscles… [Continue Reading]
Entertaining today’s guest: Insomnia, again! (feat. Humpty Dumpty)
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Slow down and down in always widening rings of being. Jelaluddin Rumi No to-do list is going to get me there. There? There. Where worry ends. There. Where it feels safe. There. Where… [Continue Reading]
Dear Client, Thank you. Love, Heidi
When you come to my office, at some point before you get on my table I usually ask: “how would you like to feel when you leave here today?“ And then you proceed, pretty much every time, to blow me away. You are so insightful. You tell me you want to experience the quality of… [Continue Reading]
Entertaining today’s guest: Insomnia (feat. Mary Oliver)
Hello, frustration! This morning it woke me up, coursing through my limbs at dark:thirty. Hard to ignore. Certainly hard to sleep through. When I finally “cried Uncle” and got up, I was tapped ever so lovingly on the shoulder by this line: tending as all things do, toward silence… Ahhh. And then I remembered (with… [Continue Reading]
Things that are easier than listening…
Things woke me up at 4 a.m. today. You know, things. They really wanted me to listen. The best I could do today was make a list of why it’s hard to listen. Maybe you’ll relate. Dear Things, Please be patient. Cup o’ tea while you wait for me to learn this listening stuff? I’m… [Continue Reading]
Tight jaw? TMJ? Put a cork in it!
Did you know that your jaw is the most frequently used joint in your body? No kidding. Most people move their jaw (thermomandibular joint) 2,000 to 3,000 times a day. Like most things, when all is well and at ease we don’t even think about our jaws. But when things get tight? Or when we… [Continue Reading]
Unexpected help (feat. Hot ‘n’ Steamy Monday Mama)
Hot & Steamy Monday Momma came by for a visit yesterday. This morning her post was on my desk with a note: “Dahlin’, kindly post this on your blog for your lovely people.” Greetings! When I arrived in Boston yesterday morning I heard Heidi saying that if only Someone with a big S, or someone… [Continue Reading]